Merchant Cycle UML

Added On:  03/16/12 
Module:  UniCore 
Type:  Entity  Status:  Active 
Java Class:  MerchantCycle 
A set of days within a month (1-28) when a reconciliation process for a Merchant has to run. Reconciliation Merchant Statement is generated at this time.

The system is designed to run remittance process (described below) on 2 cycles: deposit cycle and reconciliation cycle.

Deposit cycle runs daily. It performs calculation and generates statements and deposits if and only if a payment was processed for given Merchant (Merchant Group) on the given date (this is done to accumulate returns information).

Reconciliation cycle runs on specified dates of a month and generates statements and deposits for the period since the last statement. It also incorporates processing results from deposit cycles that may have run during the time period covered by the cycle.

Deposits/withdrawals as well as fees and adjustments can be assigned for each cycle.
Added On:  03/16/12
SQL Column:  ID
Java Field:  id
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  bigint(20)
Java Type:  Long
Identifier / Primary Key
Attributes: Required
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.
Added On:  03/16/12
Java Field:  merchantAccountCode
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  int(11)
Java Type:  Integer
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to. Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.
Added On:  08/31/16
Java Field:  merchantCycleDetails
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  bigint(20)
Java Type:  Long
Reference to the entity that represents merchant cycle details information.
Added On:  03/16/12
SQL Column:  NAME
Java Field:  name
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(255)
Java Type:  String
Name of the merchant cycle associated with corresponding merchant account.